Where to break fast in Singapore
The greatest part of the day during Ramadan is iftar, a great time to catch up with each other and bond over food. Here are seven of the best Ramadan dining deals (some from the coolest kid-friendly restaurants, of course!) to look out for:
5. Permata at Gedung Kuning
Permata, which means jewel in Malay, is a halal restaurant located within the former historic mansion Gedung Kuning at Kampong Glam. It serves up classic Nusantara dishes in a modern way. The curated Iftar menu features dishes exclusively created for Ramadan, including Nasi Opor Cakerawala, Kuluban, Taman Sari, and more. Its signature dishes, such as Bubur Som Som and Kolak Pisang, are also available. Permata, Gedung Kuning, 73 Sultan Gate, Singapore 198497
Read more - https://honeykidsasia.com/ramadan-in-singapore/